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Bite-sized chapters start with the big questions (What is climate change? What is my role?) and then delve into the specifics (How can I talk about it and inspire my followers?)

Sustainability 101

Like a science class but easy, Sustainability 101 offers an overview on climate and sustainability. And how human activities impact the environment around us. Don’t worry. We’ve got you.

My actions DO make a difference

Need a boost of optimism and empowerment? Learn what actions make the most difference, how you are part of larger systems, and what others have already started doing to live sustainably. Everyday heroes needed.

Inspire your Followers

Want sustainability and climate content that stand out? Your followers will be energised by authentic stories when you use these expert tips and examples. Aspiring role models, please stand up!

Navigate Misinfo & Greenwashing

Avoid the big yikes of greenwashing and misinformation by dialling up your spidey senses to spot them quickly. Boost your confidence by checking out these fun-filled resources about a serious concern.